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  • Erasmushuis Jakarta Jakarta (map)
STORYTELLING CONCERT SHISHANI & SISTERHOOD I 25 April 2021, Livestream Beyond Walls in collaboration with Tropenmuseum, Erasmushuis Jakarta and Hotel Jakarta.  A collaboration between Shishani, Erasmushuis & Beyond Walls. With great thanks to Tropenmuseum and Gemeente Amsterdam for facilitating the production.   On 25 April Erasmushuis Jakarta and Beyond Walls launch this Storytelling concertfilm with a Talk curated by Beyond Walls. Host Nancy Jouwe in a conversation with Yolande Melsert, Director Erasmushuis, Amsterdam based artists Shishani Vranckx and spoken word Tieka Masfar. Followed by an online Q&A. Watch the full talk & concert here.   For SHISHANI & SISTERHOOD Singer-songwriter/conceptualist Shishani Vranckx dives into the various stories and art forms in Indonesia, the Moluccas and Papua and creates a personal interpretation of the works that inspire her with the help of her team of artists.   Shishani brings together a diverse line-up of multi-disciplinary performers centralizing female artists. With: spoken word artist Tieka Masfar, tifa Tiga Batang Rumah, musician Wulan Dumatubun, dancer Asih Sungkono, batik expert Sabine Bolk and bass player Jaimie van Hek. Read more information on the artists..

STORYTELLING CONCERT SHISHANI & SISTERHOOD I 25 April 2021, Livestream Beyond Walls in collaboration with Tropenmuseum, Erasmushuis Jakarta and Hotel Jakarta.

A collaboration between Shishani, Erasmushuis & Beyond Walls. With great thanks to Tropenmuseum and Gemeente Amsterdam for facilitating the production.

On 25 April Erasmushuis Jakarta and Beyond Walls launch this Storytelling concertfilm with a Talk curated by Beyond Walls. Host Nancy Jouwe in a conversation with Yolande Melsert, Director Erasmushuis, Amsterdam based artists Shishani Vranckx and spoken word Tieka Masfar. Followed by an online Q&A. Watch the full talk & concert here.

For SHISHANI & SISTERHOOD Singer-songwriter/conceptualist Shishani Vranckx dives into the various stories and art forms in Indonesia, the Moluccas and Papua and creates a personal interpretation of the works that inspire her with the help of her team of artists.

Shishani brings together a diverse line-up of multi-disciplinary performers centralizing female artists. With: spoken word artist Tieka Masfar, tifa Tiga Batang Rumah, musician Wulan Dumatubun, dancer Asih Sungkono, batik expert Sabine Bolk and bass player Jaimie van Hek. Read more information on the artists..

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Every participating artist came along with their own stories and energies. We connect by sharing each others family stories and our own personal experiences as diasporic people within the Netherlands trying to find your own space.
— Artist Shishani on the artistic process of Shishani & Sisterhoodrce
March 21