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Amplifying diaspora and community-centered voices through research, art and storytelling.
What does (pre)colonial heritage mean in today’s world? Beyond Walls explores this question through research, art and storytelling.
BEYOND WALLS is an Amsterdam-based and globally active platform of independent curators, researchers, artists and (visual) storytellers. Our mission is to create spaces where peoples and ideas thrive and own narratives are centered. We initiate and curate projects that raise awareness, challenge views and spark critical conversation and co-creation. Beyond the walls of museums, institutions and our own frames.
We believe in the power of storytelling and art as a way to educate and inspire beyond historical facts. We center the diversity of lived experiences and impact of coloniality on people’s lives and communities, beyond the grand narratives of nation-states. Inspired by the approach on locality by writer Taiye Selasi and the critical work of Ariella Aïsha Azoulay we commit ourselves as a collective to the proces of unlearning imperialism.
We highlight the entanglement of personal stories, colonial history and contemporary global realities. Involving the impact and afterlives of colonialism and related present-day systemic issues like racism and unequal power structures as well as gender diversity, identity and belonging.
Agency, locality, co-creation and empowerment are core pillars of our approach. We develop and curate independently and in collaboration with a diversity of scholars, artists, independent initiatives and partners like Museum Maluku, Van Abbemuseum, TarraWarra Museum Melbourne, Het Rijksmuseum, Framer Framed, TED, Erasmus Huis Jakarta, Het Tropenmuseum, Amerpodia, Amsterdam University and more.
Core team and founders of BEYOND WALLS collective: Suzanne Rastovac (historian, curator, researcher), Glenda Pattipeilohy (event producer, educator, community builder), Armando Ello (photographer, filmmaker, publisher) and Jeremy Flohr (visual storyteller, filmmaker, audio engineer). Scroll down to read more about the team.
This was a temporary page. Check our new website beyondwallscollective.com.
Follow us and stay tuned!
BEYOND WALLS Follow us and stay tuned!
Current projects.
October 27, 2020 I Open Universiteit
Podcast online now.
HERITAGE UNDER FIRE is a podcast about controversial historical objects and how to deal with these objects in light of the present, the museum context and beyond. With educator Jazzy Taihuttu, journalist Joss Wibisono, conservator Rijksmuseum Harm Stevens and historical researcher Caroline Drieënhuizen and more.
In this podcast we focus us on a controversial object: a Colt .32 pistol, the favorite weapon used by the Dutch captain Raymond Westerling during the Indonesian Revolution in the 40s. Does a weapon that refers to mass killings even belong in a museum and why? And if so, what story must be told and for whom is it intended? Read further (Dutch).
This podcast is developed and produced by Beyond Walls in collaboration with Open University and is part of the Maand van de Geschiedenis.
October 31, 2020 I OBA Amsterdam
7.30 PM - 9.00 PM I Maand van de Geschiedenis
Check online Livestream here.
Check Photos here.
HERITAGE IN MOTION is a public program series on colonial heritage, representation, diaspora perspectives and policy in the Netherlands and across borders. October 31 is the first edition and in collaboration with OBA Amsterdam.
With an introduction by Imara Limon conservator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Amsterdam Museum, curator, programmer & artist Richard Kofi in conversation with three participants of the docu DIASPORA: Amanda Pinatih, Curator Design Stedelijk, Yopi Abraham, artist & founder Awareness Moluccan Identity and Raki Ap, educator & activist. Also a multisensory performance by spoken work artist & poet Robin Block and visual storyteller Jeremy Flohr. With in advance a public viewing of the documentary DIASPORA. Click for more information on the program (Dutch).
This program is curated by Beyond Walls (Suzanne Rastovac and Glenda Pattipeilohy), facilitated by OBA Amsterdam and is part of the Dutch History Month.
Chapter 2 JANGAN LUPA online now!
Chapter 1 MY BLOOD online
Final presentation performance expected October 2021
MANUAL FOR THE DISPLACED is a multidisciplinary performance project by spoken word artist Robin Block and visual storyteller Jeremy Flohr. Together, and with people of various backgrounds, they explore the question 'what does it take for me to feel at home?'
Taking its inspiration from the shared history of the Netherlands and Indonesia, this performance unravels a more universal story around this question. Displacement and belonging resonates with many people who have a migration background or an upbringing between cultures.
What's the impact of war trauma, diaspora and personal stories of resilience? How can people develop a sense of identity and belonging in between flags and countries? MANUAL FOR THE DISPLACED gives words, sounds and images to these questions. The combination of visual storytelling, live performances and art creates a multi sensory experience where histories, stories and contemporary realities meet.
Spoken word & music: Robin Block
Film: Jeremy Flohr
Curator: Suzanne Rastovac
August 16, 2020 I See full documentary here.
DIASPORA is a docu film about historical objects linked to the colonial past of the Netherlands and Indonesia. What does this heritage mean to a young generation with roots in Indonesia living in the Netherlands? How do they relate to the objects connected to this era?
Narrator: curator and researcher Sadiah Boonstra. Participants: Amanda Pinatih, Design curator Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and PhD candidate, Raki Ap, educator and activist & Yopi Abraham, artist and co-founder of Awareness Moluccan Identity.
Production by Beyond Walls. Concept and curator: Suzanne Rastovac, edit: Jeremy Flohr I Camera: Jeremy Flohr, Armando Ello, Lexy Rambadeta, Elinde Kersbergen I Production: Glenda Pattipeilohy.
This production was made possible by the 4th and 5th of May Committee Amsterdam Southeast with support by Amsterdam City Council.
For more visual storytelling click here.