Go to our new website beyondwallscollective.com
Amplifying diaspora and community-centered voices through research, art and storytelling.
What does (pre)colonial heritage mean in today’s world? Beyond Walls explores this question through research, art and storytelling.
BEYOND WALLS is an Amsterdam-based and globally active platform of independent curators, researchers, artists and (visual) storytellers. Our mission is to create spaces where peoples and ideas thrive and own narratives are centered. We initiate and curate projects that raise awareness, challenge views and spark critical conversation and co-creation. Beyond the walls of museums, institutions and our own frames.
We believe in the power of storytelling and art as a way to educate and inspire beyond historical facts. We center the diversity of lived experiences and impact of coloniality on people’s lives and communities, beyond the grand narratives of nation-states. Inspired by the approach on locality by writer Taiye Selasi and the critical work of Ariella Aïsha Azoulay we commit ourselves as a collective to the proces of unlearning imperialism.
We highlight the entanglement of personal stories, colonial history and contemporary global realities. Involving the impact and afterlives of colonialism and related present-day systemic issues like racism and unequal power structures as well as gender diversity, identity and belonging.
Agency, locality, co-creation and empowerment are core pillars of our approach. We develop and curate independently and in collaboration with a diversity of scholars, artists, independent initiatives and partners like Museum Maluku, Van Abbemuseum, TarraWarra Museum Melbourne, Het Rijksmuseum, Framer Framed, TED, Erasmus Huis Jakarta, Het Tropenmuseum, Amerpodia, Amsterdam University and more.
Core team and founders of BEYOND WALLS collective: Suzanne Rastovac (historian, curator, researcher), Glenda Pattipeilohy (event producer, educator, community builder), Armando Ello (photographer, filmmaker, publisher) and Jeremy Flohr (visual storyteller, filmmaker, audio engineer). Scroll down to read more about the team.
This was a temporary page. Check our new website beyondwallscollective.com.
Follow us and stay tuned!
BEYOND WALLS Follow us and stay tuned!
Current projects.
Achmed and Toetie Soerapaiman have rented a plot in Groen Gennep, Eindhoven for the last 25 years. In this complex of 200 vegetable gardens they produce vegetables that their ancestors grew in Suriname, and which are hard to get in the Netherlands. They share these vegetables with elderly people in their mosque. Foto by Van Abbemuseum.
Beyond Walls is a proud fellow partner in The Soils Project: an experimental research, discursive and exhibition project organised by Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven, TarraWarra Museum of Art near Melbourne and Struggles for Sovereignty based in Jogjakarta. Together with fellow artists, writers and academics, the team will build the Soils Project as an investigative process into how art can offer ways of promoting well-being in the broadest terms, while challenging ongoing acts of extraction and exploitation linked to colonization. The project looks for ways to act ethically and with care towards its different hosts, their histories and contemporary needs.
The title derives from the Four Soils conceptualized by the Palestinian writer and mathematician Munir Fasheh. They are earth soil, cultural soil, communal soil, and affection-spiritual soil. These are the soils that humans must nurture so that the soils can nurture all life on the planet in return. Cultural and artistic forms can help this nurturing by making it tangible and desirable. At its best, art helps people build relationships with each other without flattening the differences of identity, geography and history. It can link people back to the soils on which they stand, to the uniqueness of their places and to the whole ecosystem that is life’s support system.
SOILS will lead to two exhibitions: fall/winter 2023 in Tarra Warra Museum of Art, a festival organised by Struggles For Sovereignty and a final exhibition in Van Abbemuseum in 2024.
Further read on SOILS.
Below: impression of the exchange program in October 2022 in Melbourne and Healesville, Australia. From a Welcome to Country smoking ceremony by First Nation Elder Dave Wandin, to museum and curatorial exchanges and in depth workshop sessions with the team.
Beyond Walls was partially funded by DutchCulture.
BEYOND WALLS, Het Tropenmuseum and Read My World present the new Poetry Program & Film Series DICHTER BIJ ONZE KOLONIALE ERFENIS / READ OUR COLONIAL INHERITANCE starting this September! This new series is part of the exhibition 'Our Colonial Inheritance', now on display at the Tropenmuseum. With artists, writers and storytellers Joshua Timisela, Manuwi C Tokai, Kevin Groen and Nisrine Mbarki.
Public program and poetry shortfilms
The new hybrid program & poetry film series invite poets, writers and spoken word artists to create a reflection inspired by a theme and 'object' that resonate with their stories. The artists perform their work for a limited audience around their chosen ‘object’ in the exhibition space. Beyond Walls co-curates this program and follows the artists on their journey from creative process to intimate performance. We capture it on film and integrate it into a series of short films of poetry interventions that brings theme, performer, 'object' and audience closer together.
You can be part of this. Be quick, there are limited seats available. Tickets and more info on the website of Tropenmuseum.
READ OUR COLONIAL INHERITANCE is developed and produced by BEYOND WALLS, Tropenmuseum and Read My World.
Manuwi C Tokai and her community of the Kalinya Terewuyu Nation created the intervention “Dear Ancestors We Miss You” . It centers a Kalinya baby stored in a museum depot for almost 100 years.. It is allegedly part of the colonial collection of the museum.
For this poetry program & film series we invited Manuwi C Tokai to create an artistic intervention based on a chosen 'object' from the exhibition that resonated with her and her chosen theme Ancestors. Together with people from her community in both the Netherlands and Suriname, she searched for the most urgent question that lived within this context.
Manuwi's process did not lead to an 'object' from the exhibition. But to a Kalinya baby, allegedly stored in the museum depot for almost 100 years.
Together with her community including her ancestors, she shared her truth in the performance “Dear ancestors, we miss you”. The message of Manuwi and her community of the Kalinya Terewuyu Nation was and is clear. They reclaimed the human remains of their ancestors and handed over a copy of their official claim to the Dutch state. Read their full statement here.
“We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us.”
In this short fragment, from our BEYOND WALLS program on Revolusi last February in the Rode Hoed the great researcher Tamara Soukotta underlines the importance of decolonial approaches regarding colonial history by addressing the roots of it.
In the case of Maluku and the stereotypical framing of Moluccans as merely ‘loyal soldiers’ to the Dutch colonial army (KNIL) she clearly highlights the importance of diving deeper into colonial power dynamics. To understand the entanglement of stories, history and present, and how unequal power dynamics still affect people’s lives today.
Balinese Veterans at the annual Puputan Margarana Commemoration in 2016, Photo by Anne-Lot Hoek
Watch back the full program of 16 February.
Click here to read the full column of Ligia Giay.
PUBLIC PROGRAM REVOLUSI INDONESIA: FREEDOM AND RESISTANCE by BEYOND WALLS in collaboration with Rode Hoed. Wednesday 16 February 2022 @ de Rode Hoed, Amsterdam
BEYOND WALLS organizes an evening on the impact of the Revolusi, across generations and political and historical borders.. With Tjokorda Agung Pudak, eyewitness of the Revolution, historian and journalist Anne-Lot Hoek, researcher Tamara Soukotta and postgraduate Ligia Giay. The evening is presented by Feba Sukmana.
From the grand narrative of the history and roots of the Revolusi, we move from Java to regions such as Bali, the Moluccas and Papua and zoom in on the impact of Revolusi then and now. What do we see when we look at the meaning of the revolution through their eyes and from regional perspectives? How do these reflections relate to the bigger picture?
RESEARCH RESIDENCY & ADVISORY Felix Meritis x BEYOND WALLS I December - May 2021/2022
Felix Meritis Amsterdam invited Beyond Walls for a research residency to research it’s colonial roots connected to this well-known building located in the middle of the Amsterdam Canal area. The city icon that was founded in 1777 opend it’s doors in 1788 as a society of entrepreneurs, scientists, artists, and philosophers. Built on ideals of the ‘Enlightment’ Felix Meritis, meaning "Happy through Merit", was the cultural center for people like Napoleon, Brahms and later Ramses Shaffy. A place where ideas and people thrived, though only accessible to white privileged men for a long time. Felix Meritis’ foundation is inherently entangled with European colonialism, racialized ideas and unequal power relations.How does this history of origin align with contemporary realities and the inclusive, open space Felix Meritis strives to be today? Which under-represented stories can (not) be found in archives, historical sources and other collections and places? How can we bring these stories to life and structurally embed this in Felix Meritis’ DNA?
BEYOND WALLS conducted a research and a research-based advice for structural embedding of the results into public-oriented formats.
Follow us on our journey on Instagram or Facebook and stay tuned for more.
Armando Ello and Suzanne Rastovac of team Beyond Walls interviewed on the intervention
SHISHANI & SISTERHOOD⚡️ Livestream by BEYOND WALLS x Melkweg Amsterdam for SIPA International Arts Festival Solo, Indonesia. The all-female crew will perform the mesmerizing show SHISHANI & SISTERHOOD at SIPA on Saturday 9 October 2021 centering female perspectives and marginalized voices through art and storytelling.
For this show Shishani dives into the various stories and artforms of Java, Maluku, Papua and Namibia and creates her artistic interpretation in a 30 minutes storytelling concert. With amazing artists:
@shishani.music @tigabatangrumah @AsihSungkono @artistieka @jaimievanhek @sabinebolk @EvelineCarels @SandraSahupala @WulanDumatubun
We are happy with this beautiful international collaboration and thank SIPA Festival and Erasmus Huis Jakarta for making this happen!
⏰💻AMSTERDAM 3.00 - 3.30 pm
⏰💻SOLO/JKT 8.00 - 8.30 pm
⏰💻MALUKU/PAPUA 10.00 - 10.30 pm
Livestream check SIPA Festival, Melkweg Online & our Beyond Walls YouTube channel.
RECAP A LETTER TO THE WORLD I If you were at the Read My World International Literature Festival, you might have noticed that BEYOND WALLS was working on a special project. A Letter To The World: one chain message written in co-creation with each other in three days. All the stories were collected in a visual storytelling aftermovie by Beyond Walls. What is the result after three days of co-crreation?
During opening night we started off with on one big empty canvas one pen. Grace Ly, an amazing writer from Paris, wrote her first message followed by many more great stories from the heart by international writers, artists, journalists and more. Like Anna Moï, Elten Kiene, Zaïre Krieger, Dalila Hermans and more.
Here we proudly share the recap! Keep an eye out for our instagram page soon we will share more of the letter.
A Letter To The World is a participatory art & stories project, developed and curated by Beyond Walls.
‘Dear World, I hope you know you are kinda fucked up’ is the opening sentence by the youngest participant (photo). Her full message will soon be published online. Stay tuned! Photo: Read My World.
A still from the TED Talk which features Jorge’s ‘the Peak of Eternal Light’ series.
STORYTELLING CONCERT SHISHANI & SISTERHOOD I Sunday 25 April I 14.00 - 16.00 (CET) // 19.00 - 21.00 Jakarta I Online, Erasmushuis Jakarta
The concertfilm SHISHANI & SISTERHOOD is a collaboration between Shishani, Erasmushuis, Beyond Walls & audio Waargebeurd. With great thanks to Tropenmuseum for facilitating the production. On 25 April Erasmushuis Jakarta and Beyond Walls launched this Storytelling concertfilm with a Talk curated by Beyond Walls. Host Nancy Jouwe in a conversation with Yolande Melsert, Director Erasmushuis, artist Shishani Vranckx and spoken word artist Tieka Masfar. Followed by an online Q&A. Watch the full talk & concert here.
For SHISHANI & SISTERHOOD Singer-songwriter/conceptualist Shishani Vranckx dives into the various stories and art forms in Indonesia, the Moluccas and Papua and creates a personal interpretation of the works that inspire her with the help of her team of artists.
Shishani brings together a diverse line-up of multi-disciplinary performers centralizing female artists. With: spoken word artist Tieka Masfar, tifa Tiga Batang Rumah, musician Wulan Dumatubun, dancer Asih Sungkono, batik expert Sabine Bolk and bass player Jaimie van Hek. Read more information on the artists..
“I wanted to highlight important female figures in their own strength because in history women are often portrayed as soft and docile.”
“Every participating artist came along with their own stories and energies. We connect by sharing each others family stories and our own personal experiences as diasporic people within the Netherlands trying to find your own space.”
🐚✨BETA DISINI - IK BEN HIER - I AM HERE Livestream March 21, 12.00-13.30 (CET) 21.00-22.30 (MALUKU) @Museum Maluku. ✨🐚
Museum Maluku and BEYOND WALLS joined forces to create a Live program on March 21, around 70 years of Moluccan people living in The Netherlands. Hosted by Rocky Hehakaija and Jeftha Pattikawa. We created BETA DISINI in collaboration with Moluccan communities in NL: Vaassen, Vught, Ommen, Tiel, Ridderkerk and Rotterdam and Ambon, Maluku & beyond to show the world: BETADISINI.
BEYOND WALLS developed the program concept, curated and produced the program, which included 8 program locations and 6 Livelocations throughout The Netherlands and Ambon, Maluku. Parts of the visuals produced by Beyond Walls were broadcasted by NOS.
Full version with English subtitles.
Full version with Bahasa Indonesia subtitles.
#beyondwalls #museummaluku #betadisini #ikbenhier #iamhere #maluku #history #present #future #collaboration
POETIC RECAP I February 15, 2021
Poetry reflection 'Beyond The Collection' by spoken word artist Tieka Masfar
There’s much to say about the two sessions on dealing with colonial collections by Beyond Walls during last Thursdays expertmeeting ‘HERE: Heritage Reflections’ by Mondriaan Fonds and Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed. All 23 participants were asked to give a brief summary of their sessions. Beyond Walls asked spoken word artist Tieka Masfar to write and perform a poetic reflection instead. A big s/o to Tieka for capturing our two sessions in such a powerful way.
“I am the other.
The one you speak of when you think
this might be sensitive
I am a diaspora of a community
So let’s go” Click here for full lyrics.
EXPERTMEETING I February 11, 2021 I Mondriaan Fonds, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed
We are happy to share that Mondriaan Fonds invited Beyond Walls for a break-out session on colonial heritage during the expert meeting ‘HERE: Heritage Reflections’ on 11.02. Organized by Mondriaan Fonds and Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed.
In our session, we will explore colonial heritage beyond institutional and academic frameworks. We invite participants to reflect on accessibility, ownership, diaspora perspectives, the role of emotions related to colonial heritage, and more. How can colonial heritage contribute to more critical awareness when coloniality is deeply rooted in our institutions and society?
We would love to discuss these topics and more with you! So join us in the conversation and register here. More details on our session will follow soon.
GENTRIFIED STORIES is a documentary (release September 2021) by Read My World and BEYOND WALLS on the history and impact of gentrification through the eyes of writers, community builders, storytellers, entrepreneurs, organizations and more living in the boroughs of the city of Amsterdam. What is gentrification exactly and who is responsible to stop or slow down this process? What is the boundary between a gentrifier and being gentrified? And how can we reimagine a future where prosperity can benefit all?
Soufia Zahri dives into the various districts of Amsterdam and talks to Mitchell Esajas, Massih Hutak, Wouter Pocorni, Tayfun Balçik, Chris Keulemans and more. With reflections on the demographic changes affecting them and their communities they shed a critical light on the impact of gentrification in today’s world.
Coordination: Fatma Bulaz Camera & edit: Jeremy Flohr Interview: Soufia Zahri
PUBLIC PROGRAM I REVOLUSI by Beyond Walls x Framer Framed x Read my World
December 13, 2020 I 2pm. - 4pm. I Framer Framed I Watch Livestream here
On December 13 Beyond Walls curates the public program REVOLUSI in collaboration with Framer Framed and Read My World.
A public program on David Van Reybrouck's new work: Revolusi. Wim Manuhutu in conversation with David. Van Reybrouck, Goenawan Mohamad, Sadiah Boonstra, Amanda Pinatih & more. Our previous guest Jazzy Taihuttu could not attend due to a flue. Also a live performance by Robin Block & Jeremy Flohr.
Click here to read further.
Audience during the program at Framer Framed.
October 27, 2020 I Open Universiteit
Podcast online now.
HERITAGE UNDER FIRE is a podcast about controversial historical objects and how to deal with these objects in light of the present, the museum context and beyond. With educator Jazzy Taihuttu, journalist Joss Wibisono, conservator Rijksmuseum Harm Stevens and historical researcher Caroline Drieënhuizen and more.
In this podcast we focus us on a controversial object: a Colt .32 pistol, the favorite weapon used by the Dutch captain Raymond Westerling during the Indonesian Revolution in the 40s. Does a weapon that refers to mass killings even belong in a museum and why? And if so, what story must be told and for whom is it intended? Read further (Dutch).
This podcast is developed and produced by Beyond Walls in collaboration with Open University and is part of the Maand van de Geschiedenis.
October 31, 2020 I OBA Amsterdam
7.30 PM - 9.00 PM I Maand van de Geschiedenis
Check online Livestream here.
Check Photos here.
HERITAGE IN MOTION is a public program series on colonial heritage, representation, diaspora perspectives and policy in the Netherlands and across borders. October 31 is the first edition and in collaboration with OBA Amsterdam.
With an introduction by Imara Limon conservator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Amsterdam Museum, curator, programmer & artist Richard Kofi in conversation with three participants of the docu DIASPORA: Amanda Pinatih, Curator Design Stedelijk, Yopi Abraham, artist & founder Awareness Moluccan Identity and Raki Ap, educator & activist. Also a multisensory performance by spoken work artist & poet Robin Block and visual storyteller Jeremy Flohr. With in advance a public viewing of the documentary DIASPORA. Click for more information on the program (Dutch).
left to right: Yopi Abraham, Jeremy Flohr, Raki Ap, Imara Limon, Richard Kofi, Robin Block en Amanda Pinatih
This program is curated by Beyond Walls (Suzanne Rastovac and Glenda Pattipeilohy), facilitated by OBA Amsterdam and is part of the Dutch History Month.
Chapter 2 JANGAN LUPA online now!
Chapter 1 MY BLOOD online
Final presentation performance expected October 2021
MANUAL FOR THE DISPLACED is a multidisciplinary performance project by spoken word artist Robin Block and visual storyteller Jeremy Flohr. Together, and with people of various backgrounds, they explore the question 'what does it take for me to feel at home?'
Taking its inspiration from the shared history of the Netherlands and Indonesia, this performance unravels a more universal story around this question. Displacement and belonging resonates with many people who have a migration background or an upbringing between cultures.
What's the impact of war trauma, diaspora and personal stories of resilience? How can people develop a sense of identity and belonging in between flags and countries? MANUAL FOR THE DISPLACED gives words, sounds and images to these questions. The combination of visual storytelling, live performances and art creates a multi sensory experience where histories, stories and contemporary realities meet.
Spoken word & music: Robin Block
Film: Jeremy Flohr
Curator: Suzanne Rastovac
Behind the scenes photos of shooting the second chapter of MANUAL FOR THE DISPLACED, November 8th. Photo credits: Ezme Hetharia. Full album here.
August 16, 2020 I See full documentary here.
DIASPORA is a docu film about historical objects linked to the colonial past of the Netherlands and Indonesia. What does this heritage mean to a young generation with roots in Indonesia living in the Netherlands? How do they relate to the objects connected to this era?
Narrator: curator and researcher Sadiah Boonstra. Participants: Amanda Pinatih, Design curator Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and PhD candidate, Raki Ap, educator and activist & Yopi Abraham, artist and co-founder of Awareness Moluccan Identity.
Production by Beyond Walls. Concept and curator: Suzanne Rastovac, edit: Jeremy Flohr I Camera: Jeremy Flohr, Armando Ello, Lexy Rambadeta, Elinde Kersbergen I Production: Glenda Pattipeilohy.
This production was made possible by the 4th and 5th of May Committee Amsterdam Southeast with support by Amsterdam City Council.
For more visual storytelling click here.
Founders BEYOND WALLS. Foto credits: Armando Ello
Jeremy Flohr is filmmaker, visual storyteller and audio producer with a Bachelor of Law in his pocket. Jeremy is co-founder of Beyond Walls. His work is at the intersection of colonial history, personal stories and social themes. He has made films for TED, New Dutch Connections, Rijksmuseum, the August 15 National Remembrance Day, Keti Koti, National Committee 4 and 5 May, among others. Jeremy's films have been shown in museums and exhibitions, including The Hague Historical Museum, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and the Jewish Historical Museum. Jeremy has been awarded with the Best Poetry Film Award in the Netherlands (2021) and Germany (2022). He currently works on NEW HOME - stories of belonging (2022). A documentary about diaspora communities in the metropolitan cities Vancouver and New York.
For Mapping Slavery he produced the series Traces of Slavery together with Nancy Jouwe and Babs Gons in 2018. Currently he works on the Read My World project Gentrified Stories, about the impact of gentrification in various city districts in Amsterdam. He is also socially involved in his hometown Utrecht where he gives masterclasses in the Overvecht district. Intrigued by inspiring people and their personal stories, his sensitive feel for storytelling and unique eye and style as a filmmaker, he loves to keep uncovering stories the world needs to know.
Suzanne Rastovac is a historian, researcher and curator of art & heritage projects. She is co-founder of Beyond Walls. With Beyond Walls she develops and curates public programs & heritage projects within the cultural sector and beyond, like Heritage under Fire and DIASPORA. The combination of history, arts and (visual) storytelling is key to her work.
She collaborated with many different partners such as World Museum Rotterdam, Tropenmuseum, Research Center for Material Culture, Amsterdam Museum, Erasmus Huis Jakarta, National Committee 4 and 5 May, Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), National Archives, World Cinema Festival and more. She also enjoys moderating programs on important topics like 25 Years after Srebrenica, by Read My World.
Her background lies in colonial history and International Relations (BA and MA) with a specialization in colonial and contemporary history of Indonesia. She lived in Malaysia where she completed the minor postcolonial studies at the Universiti Sains Malaysia and developed music education programs for young adults in Java and Bali. In Ambon she worked on music projects and filmed a documentary on the role of poetry and arts in the reconciliation proces after the 1999-2002 conflict. Before starting independently she developed and curated public program series and cross-disciplinary projects like Gepeperd Verleden, Blind Spots and Huizen van Aankomst at the Indies Heritage Center.
Glenda Pattipeilohy is an educator, event producer, curator, co-founder of Beyond Walls and creative communicator with one mission: raising collective awareness of untold stories and knowledge from (and thus empathy because of) these untold stories for our fellow humans.
As a cultural professional she produces and co-curates public programs like Heritage in Motion and projects like AMI in the cultural sector and beyond. Her background lies in the Arts, Fashion design and communications (BA). Glenda uses fashion design as a way to spark critical conversations on sustainability and identity. Glenda worked on projects with a diverse array of designers, photographers and stylists throughout the Netherlands, New York and London. She participated in different projects during Dutch Design Week like Heyniek, de Modebelofte, Popcore presents ABRA and CosmoV. In 2019 she completed the summer school Art as Politics at BAK. In 2015 she graduated with a cross-media exhibition: The Forgettables. With this multidisciplinary project her aim was to raise awareness about injustices that are still happening today in the pacific and West Papua. Glenda is active in education, talent development and empowerment projects for children and young adults. Currently she is educator at Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven and the Fawaka Ondernemersschool.
Glenda tries to go back to the Moluccas every year to continue her sustainable empowerment project she initiated with her friends of Moluccas Coastal Care in Maluku. #maribaikooo (Let’s join us) is her motto.
Photo credits: Diewke van den Heuvel
Armando Ello is a creative entrepreneur, photographer, filmmaker and co-founder of Beyond Walls. His work focuses on photographing and documenting people with roots from the former colonies with a focus on the Dutch East Indies. Armando photographed more than hundred people with roots in Indonesia for the Moesson (2005 - 2015) Hoezoindo and his own publications such as Twijfelindo (2015), Zwarte Huid Oranje Hart (2009), Antara Nusa (2017), Pusaka (2019) and Indoworldphotoproject (2021). He also produced films for TedxEducation and various Dutch music ensembles including Calefax. Armando’s work featured on Dutch national television like the program From Jakarta to Rotterdam and National Geographic. Currently his work Indoworld is at display in the exhibition I, Asia curated by Pan Asian Collective.
As an entrepreneur, he develops bottom-up initiatives and finances his projects through crowdfunding that he facilitates himself. He is specialized in online marketing strategy and social media and founded his own self-publishing label. On this platform he publishes books such as the successful Twijfelindo and Indoworld photography project for which he traveled around the world and portrayed diaspora communities worldwide: from Australia, New Zealand, Aruba to Sweden, the US, Canada and beyond. Armando sees photography and film as strong visual tools to exhibit and publish the stories for the purpose of educating a wider audience. His mission is to collect personal stories and link them to historical events.